About Us

More about Morecambe Bay Wills

Local, independent specialists

Local, independent specialists with personal experience of dealing with the challenges that come with planning for and dealing with estates.

Cost effective and efficient

We offer a cost effective, efficient and personal alternative to solicitors so are able to keep our prices low but we have the qualifications and expertise to assist you in all the services we offer.


We are members of the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners, and comply fully with their Code of Practice. This Code has been drafted in consultation with Age Concern, LACORS and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Industry Standard Professionals

As members we meet minimum professional standards, are fully insured, undertake continuous professional development and have legal back up if the need arises.

Local, independent specialists

Local, independent specialists with personal experience of dealing with the challenges that come with planning for and dealing with estates.

Cost effective and efficient

We offer a cost effective, efficient and personal alternative to solicitors so are able to keep our prices low but we have the qualifications and expertise to assist you in all the services we offer.


We are members of the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners, and comply fully with their Code of Practice. This Code has been drafted in consultation with Age Concern, LACORS and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Industry Standard Professionals

As members we meet minimum professional standards, are fully insured, undertake continuous professional development and have legal back up if the need arises.



Proud to be recognised at the British Wills & Probate Awards, the “Oscars” of the Estate Planning industry, for the last 4 years!

Community and Charity

We donate 5% of every Will / Power of Attorney invoice to local charities. So far, we have raised over £28,000 for CancerCare! In 2024 we are spreading our donations across 4 amazing local charities that do so much for our community! In addition, we give up our time freely to spread awareness with visits to local businesses, community groups and charities to talk to their staff and members.  Our 4 chosen charities are: